rs 2021World TB Day Webinar Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Présentations à télécharger : TB RAMP Flyer and Application Webinar Agenda Speakers' Bios Page Free Tuberculosis Clinical Consultation Service We Are TB Flyer: TB Survivors Sloppy Translation by TB Helps it Adapt to the Host_Dr. Babak Javid Translating TB Treatment Response_ Dr. Rada Savic Progress in TB Vaccines and Immunology and Vaccines_Dr. Joel Ernst Study 31 / ACTG A5349 Efficacy & Safely Results_Dr. Payam Nahid TB Survivor Perspective: On the Other End of TB Treatment_Dr. Kelly Holland Trends in TB in San Francisco During the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic_Dr. Janice Louie UCSF Rapid Research in Diagnostics Development for Tuberculosis Network (R2D2 TB Network)_Dr. Adithya Cattamanchi UCSF TB Research and Mentorship Program (TB RAMP)_Dr. Elizabeth Fair